Its accelerated rise during the final decades of the C Level Contact List 20th centuryit combined with the restructuring of capitalism driven by neoliberal ideology to give rise to changes of planetary scope. Two types of industrial society, one capitalist and the other statist, faced each other in the Cold War during which decolonization was making its C Level Contact List way. The so-called First World was the scene of a new technological revolution, it adapted its relations of production to the advance of the productive forces and became a capitalist society of C Level Contact List knowledge; there, in the synthetic characterization of Tulio Halperin Donghi, capital defeated labor and even the State6.
In the Second World of the C Level Contact List so-called «real socialism», the prevailing social relations – economic, political and ideological – worked more than favored technical-productive innovation based on state-of-the-art science; State socialism C Level Contact List imploded, by collapse in the Soviet Union, by mutation to a type of authoritarian capitalism in C Level Contact List China. Capitalist globalization spread across almost the entire planet. Decolonization was leading, in general, to the various forms of neocolonial subordination – economic, political, even military and ideological – that almost everything that yesterday was the Third World suffers.
The "peripheral condition", once C Level Contact List characterized by dependence on industrialized countries, today has much to do with weakness C Level Contact List in science, technology and innovation.7.In the present, a new Cold War is taking shape, pitting the great power where the capitalist knowledge society arose against the great C Level Contact List power that is most effectively using advanced knowledge as the basis of its power. The panorama evokes the confrontation, from the second half of the nineteenth century , between the British empire, where the capitalist industrial society had emerged, and the German empire, which had come to make better use of science and technology.